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  • Writer's pictureEmily Bingham

The Beginners Guide To Writing A Stellar Blog Post

Updated: May 7, 2023

Writing a blog on a laptop

Do you want more traffic to your website? Are you starting a business or looking to make money writing about your favorite things? You, my friend, need to write a blog!

Blogging is a way to create clients and customers right from Google’s search engine. Unlike social media, a website isn’t susceptible to an ever-changing algorithm. The rest is up to the content in the blog.

By writing a blog, you can turn readers into subscribers and buyers in no time! Keep reading to learn how to write a blog that not only gets viewed but gets read by your target audience!

Pick An In-Demand or Trending Topic Within Your Niche

What is your website about? Pick a topic that is trending within your niche to increase the traffic to your site. If you’re a business, then you should write a blog about things in your industry.

For example, if you own a boutique, write a blog about clothes, trends, and some clothing hacks. If you are a Financial Advisor, talk about finances, give some tips, etc.

Remember to stick within your own niche. If you write about everything, you’re not really targeting anyone, and your blog won’t get consistent traffic or build a relationship with the audience, meaning recurring visits.

Different Types of Blogs:

There are different ways to write a blog. You can interchange between all of them, but you have to stick to one style per post. Here are the most popular blog post formats:


These are articles that are in the form of lists. You can have a paragraph for each item on the list, or not, it’s completely up to you. Some include more than just list items, including the background information. For example,10 Brand New Marketing Trends or 5 Ways You Can Start A Work From Home Business.

Step By Step Guides and How-To Posts:

This is where a writer breaks a topic down into tangible steps for their reader to follow. For Example: How To Craft a Stellar Blog Post. The blog you’re reading right now is a how-to on writing a blog.

Product Reviews and Countdowns:

If you use any products related to your niche, review them in an article. Or, you can do a countdown of the best (or worst) of a type of product, where you do mini-reviews of each product. For Example: Best Graphic Design Apps for Bloggers.

Informational Guide:

This is also known as a pillar post. It is an in-depth guide to a topic that explains everything to do with that specific topic. For Example: The Complete Guide to Blogging For Beginners.

Promotional Posts:

Promotional posts are articles you would write about your own product or service or business. It’s a self-promoting post that educates your readers about where the content is coming from and what you offer. For Example: Best Graphic Design Tools For Bloggers.


FAQ posts can be the questions that people often ask you about your business, product, or service. Or, you can write a blog post about the most popular question about a topic in your niche. For example: What Makes a Viral Blog Post?

Man writing a blog on a laptop on a picnic table

Whip Up A Wicked Headline

Your headline is what reels in readers. It’s the first spark of interest that determines whether or not they click your article or someone else’s. Make a headline that captures your ideal reader at first glance. Something that will make them say, “This one’s for me.”

Here are some tips to help you write a headline that pops out to your readers:

· Make sure your headline is relevant to the article but make it compelling!

· Include your target keyword

· Use power words to make it pop.

· Don’t make it too long. 80 characters max.

Come In Hot With A Mouth-Watering Introduction

When you write a blog, you're into is the most important piece. That's what get's people to read your bllog post.Get your reader to read all the way through by having a strong intro. Ask some attention-grabbing questions and then lead in by giving your reader a little snippet of what the blog is about and what they can expect from reading it.

If you noticed, I did it at the beginning of this blog. I asked relevant questions and then I gave you a sneak peek. When you give the reader a taste of the blog, you’re sparking more interest to read all the way through.

Keep The Reader's Attention With Relevant Information

Don’t follow up a powerful intro with a bland body. The rest of the blog has to be just as interesting as the intro, so your readers won’t lose interest.

The body of your blog is where the information goes. Remember to research, even if you know something well. You will need other resources and facts to link or use in your blog.

Back-Up What You’re Saying With Facts and Numbers

Readers will trust your blog more if you back up your claims with cold, hard facts. Use data and numbers to create authority with your readers. For Example: “According to Demand Metric, Blogging can boost a business’s leads by 67%.”

Break Up The Content Into Headings and Subheads.

Don’t overwhelm your readers with big blocks of text. If your reader loses their place, they’ll probably just leave out of frustration. Instead, break your blog down into paragraphs that cover subtopics or points to one topic.

This doesn’t just make things more organized for your readers, but outlining your blog posts like this also makes things more organized while you’re writing. You can also break the text up by using pictures. Get stock images related to your topic or make your own infographics to give your reader more.

End With a Killer Call To Action

When you’re writing a blog, end with a conclusion. It’s not always necessary, but it’s always a good way to upsell your brand, your product, or your services. You can’t just drop off and leave your readers hanging.

In your conclusion, summarize the title, but leave your readers off with something of value and a call to action. Your call to action may be to subscribe to your newsletter, visit your product page, or follow your social media.


Writing a blog doesn’t have to be hard. It may not be for everyone, but if you’re motivated to write a blog, you can make money doing it!

Follow this blog to stay up to date on all the blogging and copywriting tips you need to help your business thrive.

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